Sunday, August 7, 2016

How to Installing Wamp Server on Windows

Installing Wamp Server on Windows

Wamp Server is a web server platform having Apache, MySQL, and PHP. You can use it to test run a website written using PHP and MySQL locally on your computer. People use Wamp Server to test their websites CMSs like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla.
The acronym WAMP refers to the first letters of Windows operating system(OS), Apache web server, MySQL database management system, and PHP. In this guide we will show you how to install Wamp Server on Windows.

How to Install Wamp Server on Windows

1) In order to install Wamp Server, You first need to download the Wamp Server installer.
wamp server website

2) Go to the "DOWNLOADS' section in the page.
Download the latest version of WAMP SERVER 32 BITS or 64 BITS(depending on whether your computer supports 32 bits or 64 bits).
wamp downloads section

3) After the installer has been downloaded, double click on the executable(.exe) file to start the WampServer setup Wizard.
Click Next.
wamp setup wizard

4) If you accept the License Aggrement, select “I accept the agreement”, and then click Next.
license agreement

5) Ensure that the Destination Location is set to "C:\wamp" as shown below, then click Next.
Note: You should avoid installing WampServer in "C:\Program Files".
select destination location

6) Select additional tasks if you want to, then click Next.
select additional tasks

7) Click Install to continue with the installation.
ready to install

8) You will see the installation process. It takes some time, wait till it completes.
installation progress

9) Leave the default values in the fields "SMTP" and "Email", then click Next. These settings are required if you want to send emails from your website. Generally, people don't send emails from websites hosted on localhost(your Personal Computer's address).
php mail parameters

10) You can choose to launch the WampServer now. Click Finish to exit the installation process.
finish setup wizard
The installation is complete.
Note: If you want to start WAMP server next time, right-click on the WAMP icon found in the desktop or in the start menu, then select “Run as administrator”. Click "Yes" on the "User Account Control" popup.
You will see the WAMP icon as shown below in the notification area at the bottom-right side of the desktop.
all services started : Green icon denotes all services like Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. are running.
all services stopped : Red icon means no services are running.
some services started : Yellow icon means only some services are running. For example,  Apache and MySQL are running, and PHP is not running.
If you left-click once on the WAMP icon in the notification area, you will see the administrator area as shown below. In this area you can choose options like "Start All Services", "Stop All Services", etc. You can start Apache, PHP, or MySQL individually but it is better to start all services before visiting "localhost" in a web browser.
wamp controls

11) Verify that the WampServer icon is green in the notification area. Open your web browser like Mozilla Firefox or Chrome.
Type “localhost” in the address bar, and click enter. The browser should display this page.
localhost page
If your browser shows this page, WampServer is installed successfully and working properly.
If you are looking for a hosting provider, you might want to consider Arvixe hosting.

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